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第6届欧洲科学哲学会议(The 6th conference of the European Philosophy of Science Associatio)
第6届 欧洲 科学哲学 会议
EPSA17 will take place at the University of Exeter, UK, from 6-9 September 2017.The conference will feature contributed papers and symposia covering all subfields of the philosophy of science and brin...
Big Data–The New Science of Complexity
big data data-intensive science computer simulations modeling complexity non-parametric statistics causation
Data-intensive techniques, now widely referred to as 'big data', allow for novel ways to address complexity in science. I assess their impact on the scientific method. First, big-data science is disti...
Kuhn,Sarton,and the history of science
Kuhn Sarton Leonardo da Vinci history of science Butterfield William Harvey Galen
The scientific work of Leonardo da Vinci may have served as the main inspiration for the historical research of George Sarton. Although he never produced a work he felt was worthy of its subject, the ...
Carnap,Kuhn,and the history of science
Carnap History of science Kuhn Logical positivism New historiography of science Philosophy of science Revisionism Sarton
The purpose of this article is to respond to Thomas Uebel′s criticisms of my comments regarding the current revisionism of Carnap′s work and its relations to Kuhn. I begin by pointing out some misunde...
From Philosophy of Science to Philosophy of Literature (and Back) via Philosophy of Mind:Philip Kitcher’s Philosophical Pendulum
Philip Kitcher Philosophy of Literature Philosophy of Science Emotions filosofía de la literatura filosofía de la ciencia emociones
A recent focus of Philip Kitcher’s research has been, somewhat surprisingly in the light of his earlier work, the philosophical analyses of literary works and operas. Some may see a discontinuity in K...
Methodological Individualism and Holism in Political Science:A Reconciliation
Methodological individualism holism philosophy of social science explanation social ontology causation in the social sciences reductionism non-reductionism political science
Political science is divided between methodological individualists, who seek to explain political phenomena by reference to individuals and their interactions, and holists (or nonreductionists), who c...
Fictional Models in Science
model fiction scientific representation idealization analogy unobservable
In this paper, I begin with a discussion of Giere’s recent work arguing against taking models as works of fiction. I then move on to explore a spectrum of scientific models that goes from the obviousl...
Evolutionary Epistemology:Random Change in Science
evolutionary epistemology serendipity history of internal symmetries in particle physics
cientific thought is generally characterized as methodical and rational. I would like to present here an opposing view which treats science as a non-systematic activity, where serendipity, tinkering a...
An Evolutionary View of Science:Imitation and Memetics
evolution imitation memetics opportunism serendipity
Scientific thought is characterized in general as methodical and rational. I would like to present here an opposing view which treats science as a non-systematic activity, where serendipity, tinkering...
Kitcher on Well-Ordered Science:Should Science Be Measured against the Outcomes of Ideal Democratic Deliberation?
Philip Kitcher Democracy Science Philosophy of Science democracia ciencia filosofía de la ciencia
What should the goals of scientific inquiry be? What questions should scientists investigate, and how should our resources be distributed between different lines of investigation? Philip Kitcher has s...
Toward a Pragmatist Philosophy of Science
logical empiricism pragmatism social epistemology science and society well-ordered science science and values empirismo lógico pragmatismo epistemología social ciencia y sociedad ciencia bien ordenada ciencia y valores
This three-part essay begins with a diagnosis of the career of general philosophy of science in the tradition begun by Hempel’s reform of logical positivism. Since 1950, Anglophone philosophy of scien...
The Oxbay Ojectpray:A Novel Exercise for Teaching the Philosophy of Science
Pedagogy exercise
We describe a simple, flexible exercise that can be implemented in the philosophy of science classroom: students are asked to determine the contents of a closed container, over the course of a semeste...
Against the Statistical Account of Special Science Laws
laws of nature ceteris paribus laws probability/statistics determinism/indeterminism causation
John Earman and John T. Roberts advocate a challenging and radical claim regarding the semantics of laws in the special sciences: the statistical account. According to this account, a typical special ...
The Governance of "Well-Ordered Science",from Ideal Conversation to Public Debate
science&society well-ordered science ideal conversation nanotechnology science policy public participation ciencia y sociedad ciencia bien ordenada conversacion ideal nanotecnología política científica participacion publica
In Science, Truth and Democracy (2001) and Science in a Democratic Society (2011a), Philip Kitcher proposed a model of “well-ordered science”. Through the development of a philosophical ideal, Kitcher...
Popper,Rationality and The Possibility of Social Science
human action explanation indeterminism Popper rationality rationality principle situational logic social science acción humana explicacion indeterminismo racionalidad principio de racionalidad logica situacional ciencia social
Social science employs teleological explanations which depend upon the rationality principle, according to which people exhibit instrumental rationality. Popper points out that people also exhibit cri...