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东北大学张鑫受邀担任SCI一区期刊《SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy》编委(图)
东北大学 张鑫 SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 编委 暴胀宇宙学 中微子物理
近日,理学院张鑫教授接受期刊《中国科学:物理 力学 天文学》(中英文版)主编谢心澄院士以及常务副主编景益鹏院士和汪卫华院士、物理II学科副主编龙桂鲁教授和蔡荣根院士的邀请,担任新一届编委会编委。张鑫教授,东北大学物理系主任,博士生导师,国家“万人计划”青年拔尖人才,国家优秀青年基金获得者,享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家。研究领域为引力与宇宙学,在暗能量与暗物质、暴胀宇宙学、中微子物理、量子引力理论、原...
中山大学物理与天文学院特聘研究员王爽和李淼教授在《Physics Reports》上发表综述文章
中山大学物理与天文学院 特聘研究员 王爽 李淼教授 Physics Reports 全息原理
2017年7月16日,我校物理与天文学院特聘研究员王爽,李淼教授与香港科技大学的王一教授合作,在著名的《Physics Reports》杂志上发表了一篇关于全息暗能量的综述文章。这是国内宇宙学界的第二篇,同时也是整个华南地区第一篇Physics Reports。全息原理是诺贝尔物理学奖得主Gerard 't Hooft在1993年提出的重要理论 ,已被广泛地应用于粒子物理、核物理、凝聚态物理、宇宙...
第十五届国际天体和地下物理学专题国际会议(XV International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics)
第十五届 国际天体和地下物理学 国际会议
The biennial TAUP series covers recent experimental and theoretical developments in astroparticle physics by invited plenary review talks and parallel workshop sessions of invited and contributed pres...

Professor John Clarke,Boston University Center for Space Physics(图)
Boston University Center for Space Physics Professor John Clarke Planetary atmospheres UV astrophysics

Associate Professor Merav Opher,Boston University Center for Space Physics(图)
Boston University Center for Space Physics Associate Professor Merav Opher Computational and theoretical plasma physics in space and astrophysics
Merav Opher’s interests are in how plasma and magnetic effects reveal themselves in astrophysical and space physics environments. In particular, in how stars interact with the surrounding media, how t...
第十五届国际天体与地下物理主题会议(XV International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics)
第十五届 国际天体与地下物理主题 会议
The biennial TAUP series covers recent experimental and theoretical developments in astroparticle physics by invited plenary review talks and parallel workshop sessions of invited and contributed pres...
第十五届国际天体与地下物理主题会议(XV International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics)
第十五届 国际天体与地下物理主题 会议
The biennial TAUP series covers recent experimental and theoretical developments in astroparticle physics by invited plenary review talks and parallel workshop sessions of invited and contributed pres...

Associate Professor TOM ABEL,Department of Physics at Stanford University(图)
Department of Physics at Stanford University Associate Professor Astrophysics
TOM ABEL,Associate Professor,Department of Physics at Stanford University.He is HONORS:Wempe Prize, Astrophysical Institute Potsdam 2001.CAREER Award, National Science Foundation 2002.Frederick Emmons...

Associate Professor CHAO-LIN KUO,Department of Physics at Stanford University(图)
Department of Physics at Stanford University Associate Professor observational cosmology
STEVE ALLEN,Associate Professor,Department of Physics at Stanford University.He is Current areas of focus:observational cosmology,galaxy and galaxy cluster astrophysics,future ground and space-based e...

Professor ROGER BLANDFORD,Department of Physics at Stanford University(图)
Department of Physics at Stanford University Professor black hole astrophysics

Professor SARAH CHURCH,Department of Physics at Stanford University(图)
Department of Physics at Stanford University Professor Cosmic Dark Ages

Professor PERSIS DRELL,Department of Physics at Stanford University(图)
Department of Physics at Stanford University Professor Fermi Gamma Ray Space Telescope

Professor KENT IRWIN,Department of Physics at Stanford University(图)
Department of Physics at Stanford University Professor Particle Physics Astrophysics

Associate Professor CHAO-LIN KUO,Department of Physics at Stanford University(图)
Department of Physics at Stanford University Associate Professor universe
CHAO-LIN KUO,Associate Professor,Department of Physics at Stanford University.He is Current areas of focus:BICEP/BICEP2/Keck Array: A series of degree-scale experiments targeting signatures of pr...

Professor BRUCE MACINTOSH,Department of Physics at Stanford University(图)
Department of Physics at Stanford University Professor extrasolar planets