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Genetic analysis of preharvest sprouting tolerance in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L. emend. Thell.)
Preharvest sprouting ermination index iallel cross, enetic parameters read wheat editerranean region
Rains during grain ripening in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) can cause preharvest sprouting (PHS), which drastically affects the grain yield and the baking quality of flour. In the present study, to sc...
The effects of exogenous cytokinin application on sink size in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum)
Wheat source-sink relationship SGR SFD Benzylamino purin
To study the effect of exogenous cytokinin application on wheat yield, an experiment was conducted in 2005 - 2006. Three varieties of wheat (Azadi cross, Darab 2 and Niknezhad) and four levels of BAP ...
Genetic analysis of some physical properties of bread wheat grain (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell)
Single kernel characteristics diallel cross regression and path coefficient analysis
Very little information exists on the relative genetic architecture of the grain physical properties of wheat. The physical properties of grain have a direct or indirect influence on the milling and b...
Rlationship of Aphids and Predators on different Genotypes of Wheat Triticum aestivum under Agri Eco-System of Bahawalpur
Triticum aestivum genotypes aphids predators Pakistan
Ten genotypes of wheat viz. Inqalab 91, V-2400, V-2278, V-4012, V-2000, V-2333, V-
2210, Uqab-2000, Punjnad and V-2237 were sown in the research area of Regional
Agricultural Research Institute, Bah...
Interpreting Genotype × Environment Interaction in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Genotypes Using Nonparametric Measures
Bread wheat genotype × environment interaction nonparametric stability measures
The objectives of this study were to compare nonparametric stability measures, and to identify promising high-yield and stable bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes in 7 environments during 20...
Genetic analysis of some physical properties of bread wheat grain (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell)
Single kernel characteristics diallel cross regression and path coefficient analysis
Very little information exists on the relative genetic architecture of the grain physical properties of wheat. The physical properties of grain have a direct or indirect influence on the milling and b...
Field Resistance of Wheat(Triticum aestivum L.)Genotypes from Different Countries to Leaf Rust(Puccinia triticina)
AUDPC leaf rust slow rusting wheat Turkey
Puccinia triticina causes leaf rust in wheat and results in severe yield losses in mild wheat growing areas of Turkey: Thrace, Marmara, Mediterranean, and Çukurova. A feasible way to avoid any...
【目的】对小麦抽穗期进行数量性状位点(QTL)分析。【方法】以旱选10号/鲁麦14和温麦6号/山红麦两个作图群体为材料,在大田及温室条件下,观察小麦抽穗期等性状。利用混合线性模型,进行QTL分析。【结果】抽穗期在两个作图群体中均呈现连续分布,表现为多基因控制的数量性状;共检测到9个 QTL位点,分别位于染色体2D、3B(2个)、3D、4A、5B、6B、6D和7D上,对抽穗期的贡献率在3.97%~2...
小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)品种的组培特性和转基因受体选择
组织培养 转基因植物 小麦育种 资源
本研究分析了西南地区地方品种资源的几个组培特性的变异及优良转基因受体小麦品系选育的可能性。研究指出,小麦幼穗的脱分化能力和愈伤组织再分化能力具有基因型间的广泛变异,农家品种和育成品种中的变异趋势一致。在不同的品种中,半愈期和成愈率分别分布在6~28 d以上和15.85%~100%,半愈期呈现了连续的分布,并在12 d和21 d处形成两个分布高峰。94.81%的品种(系)的愈伤组织能形成根,成根愈率...
小麦(T. aestivum)Waxy-D1 基因缺失材料的发现及分析
普通小麦 地方品种 Wx-D1基因 缺失材料
利用SDS-PAGE技术, 从河北省及其它省引进小麦地方品种900份中, 鉴定出了普通小麦Waxy-D1基因缺失材料一份, Waxy-B1基因缺失材料6份。 这些材料的发现, 为我国开展品质育种研究打下了基础, 尤其是Waxy-D1隐性材料尤为稀少, 是至今为止世界上发现的第二份含有该隐性基因的地方品种。 在小麦淀粉遗传控制研究和品质育种方面具有深远的理论研究和应用价值, 并为培育蜡质小麦奠定材料...
利用Leishman醋酸洋红C分带方法,首次测定了普通小麦中国春和Wic-hita有丝分裂中全部21条染色体的长度、相对长度和臂比并同减数分裂中的结果做了比较。发现在有丝分裂中,Wichita和中国春间大多数染色体长度不同。还发现在中国春和Wichita间,一些染色体在有丝分裂中有相同或相近的臂比,而在减数分裂中臂比则不同,或者相反。说明臂比是品种与不同分裂方式共同作用的结果。 中国春和Wichi...
小麦异交群体连续歧化选择的RAPD分析RAPD Marker Analysis of Continuous Divergent Selection in Cross-Bred Population of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
小麦异交群体 数量性状 遗传距离
以3个普通小麦品种富可(Fuhuko)、中国春(Chinese Spring)及小偃759和毛穗赖草杂交,发现三个品种都可与毛穗赖草杂交,其中Fuhuko×L.paboanus平均结实率高达17.6%,杂种只有发育不全的幼胚而无胚乳。对杂种幼胚在N_6+1—2mg/11BA+0.5mgGA_3或MS(其中NH_4NO_3含量降低一半)附加1mg/1IBA的培养基上进行保姆培养,部分幼胚发育成完整的...