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近日,中南大学湘雅医院烧伤整形外科李晶晶博士课题组与中南大学材料学院开展学术合作,关注锌二次电池的生物相容性和安全性,对该方向展开深入而系统的学术研究和临床调研,研究成果以 “Opportunities for Biocompatible and Safe Zinc-Based Batteries”为题发表在英国皇家化学学会创办的国际顶级期刊《Energy & Environmental Scie...
福建师范大学环境科学与工程学院陈日耀教授团队研究成果在《Applied Catalysis B: Environmental》上发表
福建师范大学环境科学与工程学院 陈日耀 教授 饮用水消毒 公共卫生
近日,环境科学与工程学院陈日耀教授团队在饮用水消毒方面取得进展,研究成果(Enhancement of solar water disinfection using H2O2 generated in situ by electrochemical reduction)在Applied Catalysis B: Environmental期刊(SCI一区,IF: 14.229)在线发表。金延超副教...
《Environmental Health Perspectives》发表特别新闻报道高度评价华中科技大学同济医学院邬堂春教授课题组研究成果
华中科技大学同济医学院 邬堂春 教授 探究金属杂曲 新发冠心病
2018年3月29日,环境与健康领域顶级期刊Environmental Health Perspectives(影响因子9.8)在Science Selection板块发表了题为 “Assessing a Medley of Metals: Combined Exposures and Incident Coronary Heart Disease(探究金属杂曲和新发冠心病)”的新闻报道。该新闻对...
Researchers Program Biomaterials With ‘Logic Gates’ That Release Therapeutics In Response To Environmental Triggers(图)
Researchers Program Biomaterials Logic Gates Release Therapeutics Environmental Triggers
Drug treatments can save lives, but sometimes they also carry unintended costs. After all, the same therapeutics that target pathogens and tumors can also harm healthy cells.To reduce this collateral ...
陕西师范大学唐三一教授团队研究成果在《Environmental Pollution》上发表(图)
陕西师范大学 唐三一教授团队 研究成果 Environmental Pollution 呼吸类疾病 统计分析 传染病动力学
日前,我校唐三一教授联合西安交通大学、陕西省疾控中心等相关专家撰写的研究论文《Measuring the impact of air pollution on respiratory infection risk in China》在《Environmental Pollution》上在线发表,我校为第一完成单位。该论文得到了三位专家的高度评价(附三位审稿人的综合评价)。该研究结果不仅揭示了空气质...
New Material Could Save Time and Money in Medical Imaging and Environmental Remediation
New Material Save Time Money Medical Imaging Environmental Remediation
Chemists at The University of Texas at Austin have developed a material that holds the key to cheap, fast and portable new sensors for a wide range of chemicals that right now cost government and indu...
《生物医学与环境科学》(Biomedical and Environmental Sciences,BES)(图)
流行病学 营养卫生与食品卫生 环境卫生与环境医学 儿童与少年卫生 中国疾病预防控制中心
Biomedical and Environmental Sciences (BES) 是中国疾病预防控制中心(China CDC)主办的英文医学综合期刊。BES杂志主要关注由生物因素(biological factors)、营养因素(nutritional factors)、环境生态因素(environmental and ecological factors)、理化因素(physical an...
Genetic and environmental influences on eating patterns of twins aged ≥50 y
eating patterns genetic influences eating behavior
Clinicians and researchers could benefit from a
greater understanding of the role of genetic and environmental
factors in human eating behavior.
国际环境流行病学会(International Society of Environmental Epidemiology,ISEE)
国际环境流行病学会 International Society of Environmental Epidemiology ISEE
ISEE is an international organization with members from more than 60 countries and regional chapters and local groups in Latin America, the Mediterranean, Europe, and East Asia.
Examining the Relationship Between Environmental Concern, Exercise Habits, and Fruit and Vegetable Intake
energy harvesting exercise fruit and vegetable intake health concern adults
BACKGROUND: Recent epidemiological data indicate that one-third of the U.S. adult population is obese. As a result, healthcare professionals and policy makers are looking to identify creative methods ...
中国医学科学院病原生物学研究所任改仙博士等揭示细菌生物被膜形成及调控新机制的论文被《Environmental Microbiology》杂志接收(图)
病原生物学 任改仙博士 细菌生物 膜
生物被膜的形成在细菌持续性感染中起着非常重要的作用,大约70%的细菌性感染与生物被膜形成相关。环二鸟苷酸(c-di-GMP)是一种细菌胞内第二信使,参与调控生物被膜的形成,目前c-di-GMP代谢调控机制是生物被膜研究领域的一个热点。孙义成课题组以c-di-GMP代谢途径较简单的耶尔森氏菌(Yersinia pestis)为研究对象,在前期发现HmsD是一个c-di-GMP合成酶的研究基础上(PL...
Environmental and Population Studies Concerning Exposure to Pesticides in Iran:A Comprehensive Review
Pesticides Iran Environmental Population
Pesticides are widely used in Iranian agriculture and this has made a major toxicological concern among health professionals. The objective of this study is to explore national data about pesticides t...
Early Exposure to Environmental Toxin Contributes to Neuronal Vulnerability and Axonal Pathology in a Model of Familial ALS
SOD1 ALS Neurotoxin Axonopathy NMJ Gliosis Toxicity
Adult onset amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) arises due to progressive and irreversible functional deficits to the central nervous system, specifically the loss of motor neurons. Sporadic ALS causa...
Pathogenic Bacteria Associated with Different Public Environmental Sites in Mecca City
Keyboards ATM Pathogenic Bacteria Mecca Enterococcus faecalis
Background: The hygiene of environmental surfaces from shopping, ATM machines, telephones and computers and miscellaneous sites play role in spreading fecal and total coliform bacteria as well as path...
Family physicians’ perception on environmental influences in promoting physical activity in their obese patients
Barriers to Physical Activity Environmental Barriers
Although many obese patients do not engage in adequate physical activity (PA), little is known about whether physicians discuss environmental barriers in promoting PA. We conducted this study to descr...